Project Aims
The overall aim of the THRIVE project is to improve the outcome of both paediatric and adult liver cancer patients by understanding at-risk populations, tumour-host molecular interactions, developing biomarkers for current therapies and identify novel and affordable and societally-accepted treatments to overcome resistance.
Furthermore, we also aim to enhance the societal impact of our research, to promote FAIRness and Open Science, and to make health policy makers as well as healthcare professionals aware of the THRIVE results.
These THRIVE objectives will be tackled by the following specific aims:

Aim #1
To understand the causative processes and key determinants of liver cancer development

Aim #2
To decipher the molecular and cellular tumour–host interactions by:
- understanding the immune and stroma cell population interactions.
- exploring the intra-tumoral microbiome component

Aim #3
To develop reliable tools predicting response to immune therapies by:
- developing molecular biomarkers
- generating an AI-tool for guidance in decision making

Aim #4
To propose innovative, socially acceptable, and affordable new treatment

Aim #5
To integrate our discoveries with other EU resources and initiatives.

Aim #6
To impact health policy makers and healthcare professionals.