1) Identificación de dos mecanismos de respuesta a atezolizumab + bevacizumab en carcinoma hepatocelular avanzado mediante single-cell RNA sequencing
Piqué-Gili M, Cappuyns S, Esteban-Fabró R, Philips G, Pinyol R, Vandecaveye V, Abril-Fornaguera J, Haber P K, Verslype C, Van Cutsem E, Lambrechts D, Villanueva A, Dekervel J, Llovet J M.
Oral presentation in “49 Congreso Anual AEEH”. Madrid, Spain. 2024.
2) Identificació de dos mecanismes de resposta a atezolizumab + bevacizumab en carcinoma hepatocel·lular avançat mitjançant single-cell RNA sequencing
Piqué-Gili M, Cappuyns S, Esteban-Fabró R, Philips G, Pinyol R, Vandecaveye V, Abril-Fornaguera J, Haber P K, Verslype C, Van Cutsem E, Lambrechts D, Villanueva A, Dekervel J, Llovet J M.
Oral presentation in “XXXIII Congrés de la Societat Catalana de Digestologia”. Lleida, Spain. 2024
3) WNTinib, un nou inhibidor multi-quinasa amb alta especificitat per el carcinoma hepatocelular amb mutacions a la via de la ß-catenina
Abril-Fornaguera J, Rialdi A, Duffy M, Scopton AP, Fonseca F, Zhao JN, Schwarz M, Molina-Sanchez P, Mzoughi S, Arceci E, Meadows A, Ruiz de Galarreta M, Torre D, Reyes K, Lim YT, Rosemann F, Khan ZM, Mohammed K, Wang X, Yu X, Lakshmanan M, Rajarethinam R, Tan SY, Jin J, Villanueva A, Michailidis E, De Jong YP, Rice CM, Marazzi I, Hasson D, Sobota RM, Lujambio A, Guccione E, Dar AC, Llovet JM.
Oral presentation in “XXXIII Congrés de la Societat Catalana de Digestologia”. Lleida, Spain. 2024.
4) Antibiotic-mediated microbiota depletion limits IgA-related fibrogenesis in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (OS-103).
Svenja Schuehle, Eleni Kotsiliti, Yotam Cohen, …, Dirk Haller, Eran Elinav, Mathias Heikenwälder.
Oral presentation at the “EASL Congress 2024”. Milan, Italy. 2024.
5) Single-cell RNA sequencing-derived gene signatures reveal distinct response mechanisms to atezolizumab + bevacizumab in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (TOP-507-YI).
Sarah Cappuyns, Marta Piqué‐Gili, Roger Esteban-Fabró, …, Diether Lambrechts, Augusto Villanueva, Jeroen Dekervel, Josep M. Llovet
Poster presentation at the “EASL Congress 2024”. Milan, Italy. 2024.
6) Implications and therapeutic potential of neddylation for pediatric liver cancer: hepatoblastoma (FRI-466-YI).
Leidy Estefanía Zapata-Pavas, Marina Serrano-Macía, Miguel Angel Merlos Rodrigo,… Matías A. Avila, Carolina Armengol, María Luz Martínez-Chantar
Poster presentation at the “EASL Congress 2024”. Milan, Italy. 2024.
7) Efficacy of WNTinib, a novel selective therapeutic for CTNNB1 mutant tumors, in preclinical models of hepatoblastoma (FRI-467)
Ugne Balaseviciute, Jordi Abril-Fornaguera, Júlia Huguet-Pradell, Alex Rialdi, Elisa Fernández-Martínez, Albert Gris-Oliver, …, Swan N. Thung, Ernesto Guccione, Josep M. Llovet.
Poster presentation at the “EASL Congress 2024”. Milan, Italy. 2024.
8) Oncogenic beta-catenin is using CD155 as a molecular actor to corrupt immunosurveillance of cold HCC (TOP-552).
Joana Gonçalves Araujo, Céline Pophillat, Angélique Gougelet, …, Jessica Zucman-Rossi, Chantal Desdouets, Jean-Pierre Couty.
Poster presentation at the “EASL Congress 2024”. Milan, Italy. 2024.
9) LBA3 – Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) with or without lenvatinib (len) + pembrolizumab (pembro) for intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): Phase III LEAP-012 study.
Josep M Llovet
Oral presentation at the “ESMO Congress 2024”. Barcelona, Spain. 2024.
10) The elusive CUP biologic signature: are we missing a primary or a biology?
Manel Esteller
Oral presentation at the “ESMO Congress 2024”. Barcelona, Spain. 2024.
11) Molecular-based prediction biomarkers in HCC: current status.
Josep M Llovet
Oral presentation at the “ILCA 2024 Annual Conference” Toronto, Canada. 2024.
12) E7386 enhances both lenvatinib and anti-PD1 antitumor activity in HCC.
Agavni Mesropian Badalian, Albert Gris-Oliver, Jordi Abril-Fornaguera, Marta Piqué-Gili, …, Ernesto Guccione, Swan N. Thung, Daniela Sia, Josep M. Llovet
Poster presentation at the “EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics”. Barcelona, Spain. 2024.
13) Efficacy of WNTinib, a novel selective therapeutic for CTNNB1-mutant tumors, in preclinical models of hepatoblastoma.
Ugne Balaseviciute, Júlia Huguet-Pradell, Jordi Abril-Fornaguera, Elisa Fernández-Martínez, …, Roser Pinyol, Swan N Thung, Ernesto Guccione, Josep M Llovet
Poster presentation at the “EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics”. Barcelona, Spain. 2024.